Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Adina's Deck

Gotta support fellow Stanfordites! As a SUSE alum, I was happy to see that Debbie Heimowitz is getting a lot of praise, awards, and recognition for her Master's Project Adina's Deck, a video about cyberbullying.

A brief assessment of the video's impact shows that after watching the 30-minute video, youth understand the seriousness of cyberbullying -- both the effects on the victims and perpetrators. They also report being more likely to tell someone about cyberbullying instead of simply hoping it will stop.

Check it out!

1 comment:

adinasdeckfan said...

I AGREE. ADINA'S DECK REALLY BRINGS LIGHT TO THE SERIOUSNESS OF CYBERBULLYING AND THE EFFECT IT CAN HAVE ON SOMEONE. Debbie and Jason are amazing and have done an incredible job of creating Adina's Deck! Look for the next two episodes coming out soon!